About the Yoga Teacher Training Program

Teacher’s Training with Yoga Master Sharat Arora

The Yoga Master Teacher: You will learn to teach a unique evolution of Iyengar Yoga as taught by a true Master Teacher, Sharat Arora, who has over 40 years of teaching and healing experience with Yoga, of which for 7 years he studied with and assisted Guruji BKS Iyengar at the RIMYI in PUNE

Healing Yoga Method: This Yoga method helps to achieve overall wellness and holistic healing of the human body through the correct and aligned practice of asanas, pranayama and meditation.

Authenticity of Yoga teaching: During this Yoga Teacher Training Course you will learn to teach authentically and intuitionally from your own body experience. During the first 3 weeks of the Yoga Training which is the 160Hr Yoga Intensive Course you will experience the benefits of a disciplined practice on yourself. Having undergone this personal transformation and experienced the healing power of the Yoga Asanas, you will then learn the details, depth and instruction so that you know ‘how and what’ to convey to others.

Become a Yoga Therapist: Yoga Therapeutics are an integral part of this Yoga Method and one of the unique features of this Yoga TTC. All participants will be given a thorough grounding into the theory and application of Yoga Healing and Yoga Therapy in the Teacher Training.

Body Diagnosis: Learn how to read people’s psychology from their bodies. Become an expert to see your students’ physical, mental and emotional imbalances by observing their postures in static state as well as in movement. Understand what to do to treat them through Yoga Asanas.

Internship: There is a possibility to stay on longterm with the Himalayan Iyengar Yoga Centre and continue your longterm Yoga Teacher Training PRACTICALLY by first observing and then hands-on by becoming an assistant teacher in the Yoga Classes.

Best Location: Yoga Teacher Training in the Himalayas. Enjoy the silence of nature and the roar of the stream in a secluded mountainside setting which is situated less than one hour away from bustling cultural melting pot of Dharamshala – McLeodganj, Dharamkot and Bhagsu.

Yoga Lifestyle: This YTT is designed for people who wish to train as a highly skilled Yoga Instructor as well as for those who seek to further their own Yoga Practice by understanding how to teach & correct others.

This YTT is a totally immersive Yoga experience giving you a new and more spiritual direction in life. If you’re looking for more than just a Yoga TTC then THIS is the top Yoga Teacher Course for you.

The YTT Course is divided into two parts

Part 1 of the YTT is a 3 week 160H Intensive Course
This is the practical basis of the course and will be made up of a rigorous program of Asana class, Relaxations, Meditation and Pranayama as well as daily Karma Yoga. During this time, you will learn the Yoga Method from the inside out, cultivating a deep self-awareness from the intensive practices, bringing wellness and holistic healing of your body through Yoga practice. The three-week Yoga Immersion Course will be held in silence. You may not leave the Ashram during these three weeks.

Part 2 is the 3 weeks of the Hatha Yoga Teacher Training
Progression is made into theoretical and pedagogical elements of teaching. In this time Self-Practice will rejuvenate you for the day ahead. The practice will take place in the early morning and be independent although daily suggestions will be offered as to the order and sequence. These will later be discussed in the afternoon sessions as part of your training on the sequencing of the 5-Day Courses and your own Yoga classes.

Morning classes will be conducted by Yoga Master Sharat Arora or his video recordings especially on the first 10 days of the YTTC, whilst afternoon sessions will involve more group-work under the guidance of an assistant teacher. Evenings will include time for yoga relaxation self-practice and pranayama.

Yoga Teacher Training Curriculum

What will I learn?

  • Yoga Philosophy including the practical study of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
  • Yoga Ethics: the moral aspects and responsibilities of being a Yoga Teacher and how these are passed through the Sharat Arora Yoga Method
  • Salient features for all the Yoga Asanas: the props and why we take them, how the pose works physically and energetically as well as how to modify for common ailments/body types
  • Evolution of all the Yoga Asanas as well as how and what to convey to students of all levels
  • How the method integrates meditation and freedom of the breath within each pose
  • In-depth practical demonstrations about the use and function of props
  • Guided corrections classes and opportunities for everyone to practice both correcting and being corrected
  • The chance to teach Yoga Asanas to Master Teacher Sharat Arora and the assistant teacher with feedback
  • Study of Human Anatomy and Physiology as it applies to the Yoga Asanas and common student ailments
  • Sequencing of the both the Himalayan Iyengar Yoga Centre 5-Day courses and special Yoga courses or focused Yoga classes as you might teach away from the HIYC
  • How to structure Yoga classes for students of different ages and in different situations such as sports practitioners, office workers, children, the elderly, pregnant women and mothers
  • Yoga therapy training: Yoga therapeutics and anatomy of the postures and how and what to teach people of different physical and mental needs
  • Body Diagnosis of posture and walk and what this indicates about people’s mental and emotional states
  • Watching of videos or live teaching of courses conducted by Yoga Master Sharat Arora to understand how the Yoga method is conveyed, how students and groups are handled and how the practice evolves over 5 days under the Yoga Master’s tutorage. This gives a clear insight into how you can evolve as a teacher and what to expect while handling students with different experience. The assistant teacher will guide you answer questions about the videos and be available to answer any questions that arise

All this and more make a Teacher Training Course with the Himalayan Iyengar Yoga the most unique and best Yoga TTC in India

Yoga Teacher Training Daily Schedule

05:00 – 07:30 Self-Practice
07:30 – 08:00 Tea and self-made breakfast
08:00 – 12:00 Yoga Instructor Classes with Yoga Master Sharat Arora
10:30 – 10:45 Tea Break
12:00 – 12:45 Lunch break*
01:00 – 03:30 Rest/self-study
03:30 – 05:30 Practical Yoga teaching and correcting classes with Assistant Teacher
05:30 – 07:00 Relaxation and Pranayama Self-Practice
07:00 – 08:00 Dinner*
08:00 Rest and bed

The Yoga Teacher Training Course runs 6 days per week. The 7th day is free and the Yoga Teacher Trainees may leave the Yoga Ashram

*We provide you with two healthy vegetarian meals, including salad and vegetables fresh from our Organic Permaculture farm and as much local produce as possible.

Program after the Yoga TTC

Yoga Therapy Course

After the TTC, if there is a Yoga Therapy Course (link) taking place at the Himalayan Iyengar Yoga Centre, you may be invited to watch or assist Yoga Master Sharat Arora and so develop practical skills in adjusting the core poses to deal with particular misalignments, injuries and diseases, both physical and mental, as well as learning new postures according to the Therapy students’ specific needs. Yoga Therapy is a fundamental part of our method at every level and so it is highly advisable that you attend at least one such course of you plan to making Teaching Yoga your career. Becoming a Highly compétant Yoga Therapist as well as a Yoga Teacher will to give you the edge in the highly competitive market. Yoga therapy is what makes this course unique and a Top Yoga Instructor Course.

Advanced Yoga Teacher Training (Longterm Assisting Program)

We invite distinguished students who complete the Yoga TTC to stay on longterm and assist our classes at the centres in Dharamkot and Goa. The Advanced Intensive Yoga Teacher Training Program involves weekly corrections sessions with Senior Teachers, opportunity to ask questions of the teacher conducting the courses, space and time for your own Yoga Self-Practice and the chance to assist and then teach poses in the 5-Day Courses.


The course takes place at the Himalaya Shanti Ashram in Dharamshala. Our beautiful and isolated location enhances a deeper and more focused practice and facilitates the journey inwards. Days off can be spent in contemplation of nature and swimming in the river. Our Organic Permaculture farm will provide much of your daily food to nourish you in the best way possible. All this makes this the Best YTT Location in India.

YTT Course Booking & Deposit

Himalaya Shanti Ashram & Dharamkot Yoga Centre, Dharamshala

Fee for Indian Students: ₹101,500/-
Fee for Foreign Students: ₹154,500/-
Note: Fee includes food. Accommodation is NOT INCLUDED

To view accommodation options please click here

Yoga TTC booking deposit is 10%, rest will be paid in the office before start the course.

To ensure a place in the YTT Course, you should book in advance. For booking and deposit please click here and fill up the booking form and make the online payment using Debit card / Credit card / Internet banking. You may Contact us to check availibility for your dates.

Please read Yoga Teacher Training Course Requirements for Participation, Code of Conduct, Terms and Conditions of Payment.


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